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The Budgie

My mother died in February and took responsibility for the sky of the burgers. It is a beautiful little bird - very noisy and rude - untidy by hand and does not like to be touched. Paradise will help you if you try! He is about 5 years old.

My mother used to bring Sky with her when she visited, so I knew how to look after him, but otherwise I had no idea about the parrot. I remember the one we had a pet when I was a teenager and it was about that.

Sky and I went into a routine for the first five months - he opened his cage every morning but never left. He was happy to flap his wings inside his cage big enough to do so while saving space.

Then the day came a month ago when he ventured and started problems. In the few times that he started flying around him he flew to the walls and had a bad fall when he misjudged the shelf - this had never happened to him before, and was shocked.

This noisy little bird became quiet and quiet - he could not hold his cage properly and ended up walking around the bottom of his cage - it was really heartbroken to watch. He was jumping to the slightest movement or unexpected sound and flying in panic. I knew there was something very dangerous when I was allowed to carry it in my hand on 3 separate occasions when I had to save him from falling off his seat.

I am fortunate to be a friend of some healers and animal workers and someone ordered me to give him the rescue treatment that helped me. He did not see a serious illness with him, only from the soreness of his collisions, and worked on him healing far away, and extended to a large extent, but was still far from returning to normal nature. It was quieter though, and I did not go into a state of panic, so I decided to get it checked by the veterinarian as well.

The sky was far from happy when she was caught and placed in a very beautiful tissue box and was taken to the vet, a very nice man specializing in small animals. He was examined and found to be underweight, but without external damage, good eyesight and no problem with his claws. However, he was suspected to have liver and / or kidney problems and told me that parrots often lived between 5 and 7 years and that 15 years (which I read) was the exception rather than the rule. He gave me some medications and set a date for the next week, but I could tell him by his behavior that he did not expect the sky to stay alive.

I was very sad - this little bird slipped into my heart and was also a relationship with my mother and I could not bear the idea of ​​losing him very soon.

Synchronicity is a big part of my life and I gave more information that would be a great help and another piece of the puzzle. I was told again that there was no physical fault with him, but he was sad, very depressed and did not see the point of living. He suggested that I put a picture of my mother in his cage with him and add a little curcumin to his food / drink to help build it.

I immediately printed a picture of my mother and put it in his cage and I could not believe the change that happened - if someone told me, I would have a hard time believing it. Immediately began to eat and drink as if it compensates for lost time. His food was near Mam's picture and he would stay close to him while he ate. One night, I noticed him as he slept quickly beside her. He also found the strength to return to his perch again and began moving around his cage - it was a miracle indeed. I also put a piece of "Rose Quartz" in his cage and spent a long time coming close to it too.

It was clear that he was still nervous though, so I canceled another visit to the vet and decided to let nature take its course.

It was an emotional month watching this little bird traumatized, and it was a continuous healing. Just last week he went through 3 days of sitting literally on his sex completely motivated, just eating a little now and then, but showing no interest in anything. I felt helpless and wondered if he yearned for companionship - though he was always a solitary bird.

However, just 3 days ago he started making some noise and showed some interest in his surroundings. The next day he started playing again and was climbing everywhere and today he never stopped chatting. My heart is good to hear.

When I got out of my emotional state, it occurred to me that the reason he was flying in the walls might be because I do not have pictures on those special walls, so he can not judge their place - I will correct that before he is ready to vent the safety and safety of his cage. Tangle the fingers !!


This whole situation has confirmed to me the need for a comprehensive approach to healing. There were a number of people who participated in the healing of Sky and had all the necessary parts of it.

The therapists / animal specialists helped me with the shock and made me feel confident in taking it to the veterinarian without giving him additional pressure. It also made me deal with his grief about losing my mother and giving him the necessary care in that direction.

The veterinarian rested his physical condition and did not hurt himself while flying.

I really do not think that the sky would be alive today if I had not put my mother's picture in his cage with him. It may seem out of reach, but you may only believe me if you have seen the actual immediate change.

It made me wonder how many animals died or were extinguished because of emotional and mental problems, not physical problems. This is something I did not even think about five weeks ago. I think most of us are aware of the eager dogs and big animals, but how many of us - including myself - would have thought that a small bird like a parrot would pass through a similar process?

I still advise him to take the rescue and give him to drink, and add curcumin to his grubby island. I'll keep it going longer, so I feel it is not necessary anymore.

I received a "deep education" education last month - something I will never forget, and I hope my novel will resonate with some of you who read it.

In the meantime, I am thrilled that my noisy and noisy friend still exists and sincerely hope to be for many years to come.

Do you have a story about a pet related to my experience?

Su is the founder of Soulfully Connecting. The idea behind "youth communication" is to show that there are other ways of life that can heal the earth, the animal kingdom and ourselves. They are passionate for people who enjoy the freedom of choice, which is only possible when they know all the options.

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