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Time to Bird Proof Your Property

This happened in Norway. Jorun Lyngstad was just riding her bicycle through the forest when the biggest bird in Europe, a wooden bird, hit her and sent her flying in the air. With her presence stuck in one of the pedals, she had to use her bicycle as a shield while trying to fight against the aggressive bird that came over and over again. The policeman finally put the bird's head under the front wheels of the bike. As soon as he was released, the bird fled into the forest. Lingstad suffered only minor scratches and a large bruise on her side where she was hit by a wood bird. This is not surprising, because wood stakes can be up to three feet long and weigh approximately nine pounds. Lengstad, who was wearing a bright yellow jacket at the time, said she could not understand what prompted the birds to attack her.

While most of us do not have to worry about the nine-pound bird that drives us out of our bikes, the smaller pestle can ring us in a loop when it comes to property damage. Thousands of homeowners, boat owners, utility managers and municipalities suffered from the scourge of pests. The nests, litter, destruction and disease it carries cost Americans millions a year. Many people have decided to respond by way of birds to prove their possessions.

Modern Bird Ways

Today's bird-proofing solutions combine technology with some good old-fashioned psychology to deter pests. The new breed of pest contraception covers a wide range of applications and bird species and sizes.

Yes, they are bird screws

First, Bird Bird is the most common Bird Spike device. These annoying tapes may look threatened, but the scissor nails are safe for birds, people and pets. It's not hard to imagine how they work: they simply can not get to or near them. Reinforced strips come with long-lasting stainless steel or unbreakable solid polycarbonate bolts. Fast and easy installation on any flat or edge surface.

There are several types of screws for different applications. Mega Spike, for example, is considered a bird breeder. Its 7-inch long spikes will convince most seagulls, cormorants, turkey eagles, birds of prey and other large birds to move forward, and the giant nails made of stainless steel will continue to be marine class longer. The best non-reflective metal proofs The best anti-parasitic nails have a UV-protected polycarbonate base that can fit into curved surfaces.

Do you want to keep the pests of birds and nests from your rain gutters? Try Spur Sat. They work well in inhibition of large lesions such as seagulls, crows, and pigeons from gutters. Like most bird mutations, nails usually come on two-foot strips. The best comes with adjustable clamps at the base for easy installation of the sink swab.

Spiders hate spiders too

People are not fond of spiders, and birds are not fond of a single spider - spider spider. They hate the fascia arms for this new device. Wave of arms threatens the wind to scare the birds. Maybe you've seen these spiders on restaurant tables, canvas boat covers, umbrellas, patios and other flat surfaces. Bird spiders are available in a variety of arm lengths to scare a wide variety of species.

Insulate birds with safe chemicals

The pests make us angry and cost us money, but we really do not want to hurt the little ones. This is why lethal toxins are used outside and human chemical methods. Enter Birds Foggers and Misters. These elegant systems spray a fine mist of methyl ethylene. Basically the grape extract, this chemical is harmless to birds and humans, but it comes out of the heck when flying through it. Fog / fog systems work on gradient from simple to advanced. Simple units have a sprayer and a pack of chemicals. Advanced systems include timers and multiple nozzles that allow you to direct fog to very specific locations and varying times / intervals.

Pest Birds Slip on this Slope

If they can not land, they will not be able to nest. This is how birds' slope birds guide to many characteristics. These slippery, slippery plastic panels fit almost anywhere and prevent pests from controlling. After several landing attempts, the birds abandon the area and head to better landing areas. Angular panels are ideal for use on edges, edges, beams and other similar ports. They are easy to install on almost any surface and will deter a wide range of pests.

Gone are the birds with this goo

Birds hate getting footsies stuck in anything. Although Bird Gel will not lock it up, it may seem to be enough, which is why the lesions truly hate this gel. Things will deter a wide range of lesions and continue only on any surface - you click it with a pistol. Gels have been used with great success in ducts, pipes, edges, beams I and parve walls. The gel mounts after about six months, so you'll need another application to get the best results to prove the bird.

Bird bird with nets

Very simple, really. If they can not enter, they will not be able to damage anything. Bird netting has been used for years to extensive bird guide areas, such as orchards, vineyards, courtyard yards and patios. Depending on the type you wish to retain, net mesh sizes vary from pigeons, birds, starlings and seagulls. The best bird nets is U.V. Stabilized, flame resistant, water proof and mold.

Things that pop and weave in the wind

Birds do not like things that bend and weave in the breeze. This is the theory behind the deterrent scare of Bird. These include reflective chips, glossy ribbon banners and balloons. Some balloons feature a giant eye, adding to the fear factor. By creating a "visual displacement zone", these simple devices look like birds away. Some of these pioneers integrates visual distraction with crackling sound. Balloons can also be used in swimming pools and other aquatic areas to float on the surface and remove pests.

Use water and a little flying psychology

Birds hate surprises, especially the type of water. Varsios delivers - great time. A water spray device activates the movement with a sudden burst of water whenever it feels moving or walking nearby. It is a smart and installed way of floating gardens, back gardens, swimming pools / spa resorts and many outdoor areas. Scarecrow is very effective because it combines the explosion of water and its sudden sound with the moving head of the scarecrow. After a few blasts, the pests get the idea and never come back.

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