Bird Magic
Sometimes I look forward to heaven and I am in awe of birds. Birds are magical creatures, offering messages to us when we stop and take some time to notice them. Last month my father died of cancer. He was diagnosed with an unknown cancer at an early stage three months ago. No one knows where, when or how it started. We only knew he was there and was in his liver, lungs and brain. It is remarkable that he was in the brain, since his grace and dignity toward death surpassed anything I had ever seen before. He was also unusually clear in his approach to death.
He was stubbornly refusing the wishes of his sons, even though he did not want any treatment. There was nothing, so he made himself spend his last days burying his head in the toilet, he was quoted as saying. My father was always in direct contact with his words.
We immediately asked him if he wanted to pass through the house. "Of course I do" was his answer. I want to be at home. "
Well, Dad, what if you can not take care of yourself, do not you need help? If I could not take care of myself and then put me in the hospital, his response was quick. I wondered, is not that a contradiction, but I remained my mother.
We begged him, at least to meet with Takiya, to hear what they were saying. He agreed. Reluctantly met with the elderly and resistant worker at first, began to see the benefits of having a choke with him. At least that's what I heard, I was not there at that initial meeting.
I was there when they tried to reach the second meeting. My father had discovered some tea that allegedly helped cancer and wanted to try it. Basic tea requires travel to a grassy farm, about an hour away. The problem was that he was to visit the infirm when we planned to travel. He became angry with them. I do not want these people to come here. I'm supposed to wait now until it reaches the caprice. I begged and begged him to let the longing of visit, and refused.
The patient's tequila is patient driven, so if he does not want a skewer they will not show up. They needed him to sign a form for their release from service delivery.
Two weeks later I arrived by mail. As he walked from his mailbox, he said: "I forgot, I must answer the birds" that birds are asking, Who are the birds? Birds of the people who answered, people must answer dipper birds, with some irritation. I did not imagine who was a bird. Have you written by Audobon Society asking for money? He was a man with no financial assets, so he looked ridiculous.
While the bird paintings filled his small, well-decorated apartment, he explained that he did not want "these people flying around." When I put the letter, I looked at the table where the message lay. I said: "The people of the birds are the workers of the tequila." Why do the birds call them, Father? There is the logo is the bird, he replied. Sure enough, the motto of Tkeet was a dove. I had not taken any time to notice it before.
The speech was upset. These were not the birds. The last sentence was, "Because of the services you are looking for elsewhere, we will stop the services." Look for services elsewhere that he grumble, that's not true. I am not looking for any services. I am not looking for services elsewhere. The letter found offensive.
The days came and went and every day he struggled to live. He drank a tea although he admitted that he did not really think he would work. He said it helped his stomach feel better. Play bingo and play poker and sometimes sleep during matches. Try to eat. He laughed and wept but he did not ask me why. I've always been saying when your time arrives this is, the words that I started use frequently.
One week before his arrival, Takiya arrived, who was returned by the primary care physician. He said they were there because he had no choice. His liver had entered a complete failure and was too weak to walk. He insisted that he did not get any help from them, but he gave up their help.
On the last day of his life they were there. They put a catheter in it. Hours passed before he passed a red bird up to the living room window and sat in a tree looking at. I heard that Indians believe that when flying red herring tilted nearby there was an important message to arrive. I did. My father died about an hour after the bird appeared.
On the day of his burial, a bird flew into my house. This has not happened before. It was a small bird and it was in my bathroom. Room without open windows. I could not explain it and I did not know what to do about it. I opened the bedroom door that led out and wished to fly out. I did.
I had to wonder about the birds and the meaning of the birds. Birds are symbols of freedom. Moving quickly from place to place. They are spiritual symbols in many places. Indians are seen as messages. Hospice uses them as their logo. His house was filled with images of birds. They appeared in my house on the day of burial.
Birds are symbols of hope and freedom. It is not supposed to be captured in a cage.
They guide us on our journey towards freedom and symbols of the Spirit. I hope my dad is as free as birds in the sky. He was not prepared to meet with "birds", he was not ready to travel far until he was ready, but when the people of the bird appeared, before them. He is free.
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