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Feeding Wild Birds Responsibly

On March 19, 2009, the US Department of the Interior issued a new report on the "state of birds" national. warning signal to the failed health of our ecosystems." Given that conservation efforts have been going on for more than 50 years (at least since Rachel Carson's silence), this is a realistic report. It is clear that our efforts to preserve the environment were very few and too late.

According to the report, 75 million Americans, 1 in 4 consider themselves bird watchers. Over 50 million wild birds. Despite a lot of attention and support, home loss is still relentlessly in the rush to develop more land. Natural nesting sites and food resources are lost. To help stop the decline, the most important thing we can do as individuals is to restore natural habitats to our property. Take an active and responsible role in managing your home. If you manage the property, you are managing the habitats and wildlife.

Why feed wild birds?f

People feed wild birds for a variety of reasons including recreation, relaxation, observation and / or study of nature, providing useful support to local people, and so forth. As mentioned above, many wild birds are declining. Causes of decline include habitat degradation, environmental degradation, seasonal changes, local weather, climate change, inadequate feed, etc.  Many birds die during winter, during periods of drought, cold and rain for long periods, and any other conditions that reduce the availability of fodder leading to stress and weakness, reduced resistance to diseases and parasites, and famine. Feeding wild birds can help keep the population when it is difficult to find natural food supplies.

Feed wild bird preferences

Whether your goal is to attract wild birds to the feeding station to enjoy them or to provide the birds with the minimum amount of food they need for optimal health and reproduction, the bird feed preferences are crucial in determining the type of food products that will best meet your needs.

In general, wild birds can be grouped with the types of feed they eat. This does not necessarily mean that granules (seed eaters), for example, eat only seeds. Granivores prefer seeds to other foods and specific types of seeds to others. Since it is rare in nature to find easy and always available food, it is important to remember that most birds choose food according to their preferences.

Although there are a number of feed species, feeding wild birds usually involves only four types:

a. Granivores - seeds or grain feeders such as birds and birds. Many seeds and blended seeds are available


B. Frugivores - Fruit feeders such as tanagers. There are dried fruit products for ascover.

C. Insects - insect feeders such as blue birds and woodpecker. There are a number of live and dried

Insect products.

Dr.. Nectarivores - Nectar feeders like buzz birds. There are many commercial nectar diets available.

In addition to the importance of feeding preferences when feeding wild birds, the feeding behaviors of wild birds should be considered when selecting nutrients. Some wild birds including robin and fodder are on the ground. Others like woodpecker and nut fed on the bark of trees. Goldfinches and other granulated feed on seed heads of weeds.

Regular bird feed

The vast majority of people who feed wild birds are casual participants. For them, feeding wild birds is primarily a part-time activity involving providing wild birds and enjoying the benefits of watching their actions. A casual participant is a person who may be in a rush state, while shopping in the supermarket, or grab a sack of seeds or a fat cake. They do not feel any responsibility for feeding wild birds anything more then a bird candy. Wild birds are free to feed for their own food needs. If your interest in wild bird feeding is informal, there is a whole industry dedicated to your needs. The main function of products offered in bait or towing birds is to the feeding site designed to provide maximum visibility for viewing pleasure. All feed products including seed, seed mix, fat products, and other specialty products are manufactured for their ability to attract birds. The nutritional value is not mind. Seed, seed mix, and fat products are provided in the best occasional and supplementary feeding. Even if it is possible to form a seed mix that meets all the nutritional requirements of the birds, it will fail because the birds will choose the seeds you prefer only, and the most preferred are sunflower seeds of the oil type. Studies of seed preference have shown over time that sunflower seeds of the oil type, Prussian white millet and Nyjer® are the preferred seeds of most species of birds that feed frequently.

Blends seeds

It is best to look at seed mixes such as bird candy. Preferred seed provides a boost of energy but little nutrition. Birds like children, eat what they like and not the best food for them.

In choosing seeds or seed mixtures, consider the seeds in the mixture. Lower-priced seeds mix the highest content of filler seeds such as maize, milo, oats, wheat, etc., which most birds find unpalatable. Usually they end up on the floor under the feeding station. There is a growing trend in new housing communities to ban bird feeding because of the accumulation of seeds under bird feed and the pests that attract them. Another factor in seed pricing and seed mix is ​​seed classification according to quality and any additional treatment such as cleaning or seed removal. Excellent seed products are cleaner, contain the best degree of seed, and contain a greater proportion of the most acceptable seeds such as sunflower seeds of oil type, and can be disposed of. The fact is that, except for products that contain a higher percentage of the most acceptable seeds, none of these added value, the higher seed mix mixes make a difference in birds. They are primarily for the human market appeal. You are much better than buying three individual seeds. Sunflower seeds of oil type, white millet proso, and Nyjer®. Even millet is questionable because it attracts exotic alien home birds that should be discouraged.

Bird feeding should never be exposed to rain or direct sun and both will cause nutrient degradation.


Wild bird products are available [http://www.aviancuisine.com/suet-vs-vegetable-fat] in a variety of shapes and formulas. Formats usually include standard cake, plugs, balls or "berries", bells, and so on. In addition to simple grease, fat formulas consist of small amounts of attractants such as berries, fruit, insects, nuts and seeds to appeal to different types of wild birds. While attractors have little impact on wild birds that are attracted to a particular lipid product, their real effect is in attracting consumers from humans. The main dietary component of wild shitan products is beef fat. Provides energy, which is vital for wild birds. Suet cakes and other scarce products attract species of wild birds that climb bark such as woodpecks, nuts and others. Wild grease kicks, such as seeds and mixed seeds can improve survivors' rates in the short term and they are very economical. In selecting lipid products, the consumer should look for the most tender products that will meet the conditions in their feeding station. Softness indicates a relatively low melting temperature. The lower the melting temperature, the easier the product is for wild birds.
Over the past five to ten years there has been a trend among pale processors to develop wild shitan products with increasingly higher melting temperatures. This is just another marketing system designed to attract consumers from humans at the expense of the interests of birds. Do not be fooled. It is in the interest of wild birds to consume fat that contains the least amount of saturated fat and triglycerides. Wild birds are attracted to fats because of their high energy content. However, the birds must expend energy, not only to reach the fat and its consumption, but also to digest it. The melting temperature of fat is directly related to its saturation. The higher the saturation, the higher the melting temperature, the more energy needed to digest it.

Responsible bird feed

Growing awareness has been born that many wild birds are in a low need for a new type of wild bird feed. One that goes beyond human-centered motives to take responsibility for the health and well-being of local wild bird groups. The most important thing we can do as individuals is to restore the natural habitats on our property through the landscape with local plants that provide shelter and foods, remove all invasive alien plants, increase natural and artificial nesting sites, provide a clean source of fresh water, play an active and responsible role in managing your habitat and all Wild animals in which you live; from soil organizations to large animals. Feeding wild birds responsibly can generate a more integrated view of local wild bird populations as well as other local wild animals. If you own property management, you are responsible for all living organizations that you occupy either as transit or permanent residents. You are defined by the home manager / wildlife.

Feeding wild birds responsible, at a minimum, for feeding wild birds feeding wild bird nutrition throughout the year, maintaining a clean source of fresh water, using appropriately designed nutrients, maintaining clean feeders and feeding sites, and developing a control plan to eliminate alien species such as Home birds and European starlings from your home by any morally acceptable way. At the very least destroy their nests and eggs, and keep cats inside. Cats are alien species that are introduced and are profitable predators for birds, small mammals, reptiles and many other forms of life. Catch stray cats that wander through your property and turn it into a local humanitarian community. Encourage all cat owners to act responsibly by keeping the cats inside their own safety power to love the cats taste and the safety of their potential prey.

Feeding wild birds full nutrition

Feed products feed wild birds feed wild birds to a new level. The full-feed wildfood products were supplemented with prepared diets prepared to provide the birds with all their nutritional needs. Food systems manufactured from flour, meals, nutrients and processed folders are formed in an appropriate form of uniform consistency. They are formulated to meet the minimum nutrient requirements for wild birds based on research by the National Research Council. Veterinarians and animal care professionals recommend processed sweets as the main food (50% minimum) for all birds. Since the adopted diet is homogeneous, birds can not choose their preferences. The wild and fully nutritious wildfood diet provides a safety net for wild birds during periods of poor feed availability. Wild birds with unrestricted access will not experience full meals, grazing, and wild feeding, a state of snoring associated with winter or other periods of stormy weather that interferes with feed availability. As a result, adult birds will over-winter and begin nesting activity early in the season, will nest more during the season, lay more eggs for each nest, cross more offspring, and later enter the season. In the long term, local populations will be stabilized from those species that reach the feeding stations first.

When feeding wild bird feed products completely nutritionally for the first time, you may experience some hesitation in wild birds to accept new food. Wild birds are very cautious of any change, including new and different foods that you may not initially recognize as food. In this case, the introduction of sunflower seeds of the type of oil, which birds recognize as food along with the processed diet, will usually induce them to feed. Once feeding is started, gradually reduce the sunflower seeds of the oil type over a period of time. When a whole bird diet is fed and nutritionally prepared, it is important to restrict the availability of other foods. This is especially true of the delicious mix of seeds and cakes (bird sweets) that have been formulated to attract birds for entertainment rather than to meet their food needs. Mixed chickpeas and seed mixture are not nutritionally complete and will weaken the desired effect of whole diets.

Most of the diet is fully nutritiously processed, and wild birds incorporate a bonding substance. Very few uses vegetable fats as a binder. From a nutrition point of view, the lower the melting temperature of fat, the easier it becomes for birds to digest. Vegetable oils are very low in saturated fats and triglycerides so they are better than fat or any other link. It is in the interest of wild birds to use vegetable fat with the lowest melting temperature which will work in a particular nutrient condition.

Feeding a full-year nutrition diet expands the nutrient base in an area, improving overall survival and reproduction rates for many species. In the long term, you will see earlier nesting activity, increased breeding rates, increased dumping rates, and increased survival rates. If you want to make a meaningful contribution to the health and reproduction of native species, you should include a full wild bird diet and a nutrient processor as a key component of your bird feeding program.


Combine the fat and seed of wild birds as food supplements only. Birds easily identify seeds as food, so best mixes are used when creating a new feeding site. Once you feed the birds at a new location, we recommend switching to an integrated, food-fed bird diet. Once the nutrition site has been transformed into a full-fledged, fully stocked bird nutrition diet, we recommend that you feed the seed mix as a small dose (can not be taken more than one day) on a random basis, once a week.

The fully stocked and processed wild bird diet is a great addition to the struggle to stop population decline in those accessible species.

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