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Florida Dove Hunter

Does not seem like a man. Dov Hunter. Somehow they do not seem to evoke the same rugged and stumbling images of a deer hunter, a pig hunter or a duck hunter. Dov Hunter. More like the pictures of tea time and small delights are luxurious in the afternoon under the umbrella in a white suit while carrying an exotic side to the side of a barrel double gun. Dove Hunter, say doves are the most hunted birds in America. I asked this before and someone suggested shutting down the hell or trying it out before writing it as a worthless entertainment. It seemed like a challenge to me.

First of all what is a dove? According to the lexicon, either a full seed or a taste of fruit for the family of the bathroom, with a small head and short legs and a Hungarian voice, or someone who advocates peaceful or conciliatory policies ... with a small head and short legs and silent voice.

Hmmm. Tell me more.

Well, doves are often seen in rural areas, agricultural areas or simply open areas around the city where they love to feed on the seeds of many kinds of plants. Doves of very productive breeders often produce up to six brood annually. In autumn there is a general migration of the south and in the spring they move northward. But many simply remain in the same area throughout the year, especially in the southern states.

The next thing I had to find was precisely where the doves were sitting in large enough numbers to justify trying to catch them. If I live in Texas I will have millions to shoot. Is considered a fishing pigeon in the United States. Florida is not.

I could go to a private fishing reserve but I did not want to spend a lot of money. Other research has revealed that the US-managed wild cane fields in the United States were about 15 scattered around Florida, closest to being the dove fields of Dobos east of Lake Oki Chopi.

But what is the dove field? It is clearly a large piece of land with special crop crops that will catch the attention of these birds. These fields are specified in the DuPuis are two fields side by side about sixteen acres each. In the afternoon towards evening, the birds start flying to the fields to eat. One Sunday afternoon a week during the season, fishermen are allowed to shoot at the perimeter of the fields.

The preferred gun, of course, is the twelve-cylinder pump that will carry three rounds of 7 أو or 8 rounds of lead. It is recommended to have two or three boxes for each fisherman.

There is a period of application for a permit, where you can submit your application, then a fee is made for the season sites. My son and I have painted three permits for this season in two different areas. Beginner's luck I guess. These are single use permits and are not transferable any kind of sucking because if you want to bring a guest on them to enter as a walker. In three hours around the clock, you have to be in the server hut to see if you can usually do that what the attendees told me. But if you check in at 11:00 with your entry permit because it comes first at the first check on the available locations, you must drive a mile from the road from the fields to the cottage so the guest gets a permit. You'll be in a comfortable mood to chase the dove.

We arrived at 10:30 to see at least ten of the camo-clad fishermen standing around waiting. The white T-Man was not to cut it. We had brought Dakota, the golden retriever we had looted, and was just happy to get out of the truck and do a leak. I thought I would admire other fishermen with their ability to recover, so I threw the stick in the new grass. Dakota just looked at it and proceeded to take the dump. Do not think I was about to receive it. Played played.

There was no chase here before we did not know what the best sites were but I knew I did not want to face the sun. I chose a spot at the western end of the middle of a field, so we would face the east.

I had read the WMA regulations and realized that I could technically accompany my son without waiting to enter as a traveler because he had a guiding license which meant I would have to supervise him since the permit was in his name. However, we have to share the limits of the bag 15. But somehow I did not think that would be a problem.

The shooting starts at noon but the birds will not fly until after four. This is the part where you should have a little patience and think about something you should do for three hours. This is why the pigeon fishing can include fishing poles. I knew that Lake Okeechobee was only a few miles down the road, so we had to get out there and catch up from one of the access areas on the dam road. Nothing bitten us though but caught a small bass a decent size bass.
Our next goal was to walk the little road to find a shop suitable for some snacks. To what extent can I ask for that, but it ended up eight miles away in the tiny crumbling immigrant community called Canal Point. Note in yourself, if you want to get anything you eat or drink before going out to this area, stop at Indiantown on your way at first and it is the last place you can get anything better than the old potato chips anywhere near the fields. This is a country of sugar cane. There is not much else here.

At about three in the evening, we returned to the fields that combined our equipment together; rifles, scales, garden chairs, a small snow cooler and, of course, a snack. Dakota was refreshed to get out and start inhaling and staying, it was like a camel in the opposite direction. There is no limit to the amount of urine that comes out of this dog. We walked a few hundred meters on the dirt road to find our number. Each area is separated by about eight yards, and I can see the different fishermen in the distance that goes to their location. On the other hand, I could see someone who had a couple of Mogus doves in the field, and what was that? Umbrella Umbrella? It was rather warm in the afternoon sun. I had given the brown hunting waistcoat to the X man so he could shelter him at least a little. As it turns out, doves have a very good vision and will break away if you stand out like a white man at a P. Diddy party.

We settled in Krasina after we destroyed the grass for Dakota to sit and mix. It was already the color of dried grass so I was not too worried. I sat down, popped soda and waited. Now this was relaxing.

"What does the dove look like again?" X man asked.

"Ah, it's those little birds that look like gray birds that fly the funny kind." I answered, a prominent wildlife scientist, where she opened another bag of old chips and began to chew.

"There, there to your left, this was one!" I screamed, spit potato chips on my shirt, watch her fly away.

"I did not see her." X-man replied.

We heard some shots on our right. I could not see if they had hit anything or not. Then on the other side of the field I heard more shooting and I could see everyone shooting at the same small herd of birds.

"I did not see them either." X-man replied.

"There are some coming to your left." I said.

He took two shots and missed. Then he came over behind us on his shoulder.

"Was it a pigeon?" Ask.

"Ah, Duh, well, Dakota now, bring." I instructed, pointing my hand. Dakota jumped and shook his tail as I would give him something to eat. "Go show him where he is." I told X-man, "I swear by God that your dog needs glasses."

"It's across the eyes, Dad." He got up and went after the bird with the next Dakota. When they were close, Dakota finally saw the bird and an assistant after him to recover. Then I brought her back to where I was sitting.

"good boy." I said, taking the dove from his mouth. Once you see it, go straight afterwards.

Some flew over the back, I shot and one sailed into the field. I stepped up to the place I thought was with Dakota followed immediately. The bird suddenly flew, I shot and I made a mistake. Dakota seemed to say, "What the hell are you sucking?"

"Yes, you are blind, and you smell."

"That was low."

"Shut up and give me some of the potato chips you get in that bag."

I took the march of shame to my place and cursed myself until another flock flew towards my right. Two shots were fired and one fell towards the channel that marks the end of our field. I went to find it and could see it floating in the middle of the canal. I pointed to Dakota's head towards the pigeon until he saw it and fell into the canal to retrieve the bird. I looked around at the paranoid of crocodiles.

I heard X-man shoot as I moved and he could hear him saying, "Okay."

We used the 7 game loads and felt that you must have enough power if we did not shoot away. But, there is a rub.

The small groups and couples were flying directly across the men on the other side of the field. We heard a lot of shooting. Some continued flying near us enough to take some shots. The doves made us fly by their intermittent plane, but we managed to bring another couple down.

During this shooting, we could see two FWC officers on the other side stopping at each fishing group to check their licenses, I suppose. Shit, we were in the truck, okay. It took about forty minutes to reach us and asked to see our weapons to check the capacity of the Remington Pump magazine. Your guns are not supposed to be able to hold more than two shells in the magazine. Put a small barometer there to measure it.

X-man used the twelve scale above and below, so there was nothing to test. I explained that our licenses were returned to the truck. The officer then questioned me about the licenses we had. I must have bothered the right answer because we came out with a warning. Before leaving, a small flock of doves flew over us as the officers stood in front of him. I figured it would be a bad shape to take some shots, and I watched the birds fly away.

Soon after they left some doves flew close enough to fire. X man connected with one and fell into the field. Dakota began to get a hang of this thing and rushed past my son and smelled this bird.

The sun was set above the horizon and the birds stopped flying. "I think that's the case." I said, "Let's wrap it up and go get something we eat."

Dakota may not understand English very well, but he knows what the word "eat" means, and jumps up, excited about possibilities. The only thing better than chasing birds is to bend over a dollar hamburger.

The doves will be saved for another day. They do not really taste like chicken, more like a pigeon, but this is another story.

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