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Top 10 Myths About Feeding Birds

1. If you feed birds, they will not migrate and will be caught in winter cold.

Birds know the time of migration in the light of the sun and the weather and their natural instincts that give the desire to migrate. It does not matter how much food is available to them, in bird feeders or at any time, when it's time to go, they go. Migratory birds need to eat, especially during migration, and if you keep your nutrients well, you will get a larger group of birds in your nutrients during migration.

2. Birds will starve if you stop feeding them in the winter, so once you start, you can not stop.

It is best to keep winter bird feeders stored for hungry birds. You will need to think of your yard and gardens as a place to eat, until they are suspended throughout the year. The birds in the garden are very useful and are not just nice things to be seen. Eat lots of insects and larvae that eat your garden. So attracting birds to your yard all year round is good. If I suddenly had to leave, they would find food somewhere. Can range from wide and wide in search of food, you may have to work harder for it, but they will find something to eat. If you know you're going to be away, it's best to arrange a neighbor to refill your feed for you. If not, you may have to be patient and bring it back to your yard.

3. Feed the birds really good (or bad) birds.

In fact, birds do not need us to feed them. They are quite able to find food on their own. Is it good to feed birds? Well, it's certainly for us, because we enjoy watching and listening to them, not to mention everything they do in our gardens. Feeding them is also beneficial for them because they get a better variety of food in bird feeders than they usually get during the winter, and they can get it better. It's not "bad" for birds because birds eat what they like. If the food you put into their feeders has spoiled or ruined it, it will be avoided. If you put food that you do not like, you will avoid it and go somewhere else to eat it. This is a very good reason to use a good bird seed mix in bird feeders.

4. Mixed seed bags in grocery stores are bad for birds.

In fact, it's bad for your pocket, not for the birds, because the birds will win the seeds they do not eat. Bags of cheap bird seeds, whether they are from the grocery store or not, usually have a lot of filler seeds so that not touched by birds, or have a red milo, wheat and other things in it do not eat and will not have any good things like millet, Sunflower seeds, black oil, broken peanuts, safflower hearts or sunflower hearts. So it is a waste of money. However, grocery stores have even started to bring in top quality bird milk, with very good combinations of seeds, fruits and nuts that attract many kinds of birds. Buying bird food at feed shops / hardware or specialist poultry shops is usually better, but high-quality mixes can be found elsewhere as well.

5. Squirrels and black birds will not eat safflower seeds.

Many people who feed birds will use many safflower seeds in their mixture, believing it prevents squirrels and black birds from feeding in their nutrients. If this is true, it does not seem right anymore. Many people say that any bird (including black birds) or mammals (including squirrels) that will eat sunflower seeds, will also eat safflower seeds.

6. Only one type of hummingbird was found east of the Rocky Mountains.

I'm not sure where this legend came from and if it's true at any time, but it's definitely not true right now. There is a wide range of lovely hummingbirds in hummingbirds throughout the east, north and south.

7. Birds will not eat Milo.

Milo has always been considered one of the seeds packed in cheap bags of bird food, but I recently learned that in the south-west it is the favorite of doves, seagulls and some other birds. Whether this legend is true or not depends on where you live.

8. Flying food with a red dye in it is bad for the hammers.

The truth about this myth is that we do not really know. There is no evidence that they are harmful to birds, but there is no evidence that they are not. If you buy a stuffed bird food, it is likely to be red. If you mix (melted sugar in 4 parts of hot water and then cool) you will not need to add food color. The color of red food is not necessary because the red color that attracts buzzing birds is usually found on the feeder.

9. There is a bird feed that is 100% manual squirrel.

I have purchased enough bird feeders "Squirrel Guide" to see the fallacy of this myth. Squirrels are ingenious and creative creatures and when their population is large, they are hungry, they will find a way. 

10. Feeders should not have flying birds because they are bad for the humming bird.

Birds can feed a buzz while hovering, and can feed while they are fixed on chick fish. There is no evidence that the symptoms are either good or bad. I have two types of feeders in the yard of the house, and the hummers seem to stay longer in the feeders with the pods (I do not blame them, but better sit down to eat too), while the other hummingbirds stay nearby waiting for their turn.

So, in fact, there is no good reason not to feed the birds, but there are a lot of good reasons that we should have done. Watching the different species of birds that appear in our nutrients and watching how they interact with each other can be amusing and enjoyable. If the birds think of your yard as a haven of food available, it will stick and come back after season, year after year. This is a good thing for you, because it means that you will have fewer insects and creeping balls in your yard, and eat you and your home garden. If you are lucky enough to have a bird in your area, you will have extra reason to feed the birds.

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