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Best Places to Travel If You Are an Avid Bird Watcher

Birdwatching is a hobby with an increasing number of enthusiasts. Bird watching and photography can be very exciting - wandering, quiet and waiting for the perfect moment.

Experienced bird watchers know the places with the greatest diversity and best observation options.

Learning where to nest or stop during migration is essential for successful bird surveillance.  Remember that birdwatching revolves around observing nature instead of disturbing it. The appropriate bird observation points should give you an opportunity to take pictures without affecting the balance of nature.

City Gardens
It may be difficult to monitor birds in surrounding urban areas. City pollution and hectic lifestyle may haunt birds from urban habitats. However, some urban areas may still be characterized by a variety of bird species.

The gardens are the best bird watching sites in town. Although species diversity will be far from phenomenal, however, the parks will give you the opportunity to look at the beautiful birds and photograph some of those birds.

The gardens are places suitable for bird watching if you lack the time and money to go on a trip or walk to a more remote area outside the city.

Mountains and reserves
Mountain areas and nature reserves are probably the best places to observe different birds, including the praying birds.

Predators such as eagles and hawks usually live in remote mountainous areas and full spots. It is easy to discover these wonderful birds because of their flight and size. Observe the eagle in an incredibly exciting journey.

Protected areas are created to protect certain types of flora, fauna and birds. There is a great diversity and the reserves often have good conditions for bird watching and infrastructure.

Lakes, swamps and seaside
Many bird species nest near lakes or in swampy areas. There, bird watching fans can watch pelicans, herons and other rare species. Sea seagulls and hawkers can be seen in coastal areas.

The species of birds living in these areas are quite different from the species that can be observed in mountain areas. These experiences have nothing in common. Enthusiasts must give every try.

Ways of migrating birds
Bird migration routes pass through many countries. These are the air channels used by birds in their annual migrations. As they travel, birds need to nest and stop for short periods of time.

Knowing where the bird migration routes pass will give you an opportunity to observe a variety of species. These birds are not common to the country and can be observed only during specific months.

Learning about the behavior of birds and their habitats is essential if you want to discover the best observation and imaging sites. Bird watching is much more than just wandering around and waiting for an occasional moment.

Birdwatching is associated with the love of nature and the desire to explore distant sites. If you are not satisfied with long hiking and mountain climbing, you should avoid choosing roads that include camping and hard physical exercise.

Identify the species you want to observe and learn where these species can be monitored. You can contact bird watchdogs or nature conservation organizations that will provide you with more information about the right places and ways to keep birds safe without disturbing them.

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