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Birds of a Feather

The title of this sermon is taken from the mundane ideals that seem to have been used since the sixteenth century at least, after appearing in poetry from that period.

The saying goes: "Feathers together" The simplified meaning of this parable is that, similar types of people tend to love each other company. The rich tend to hang out with the other rich, the poor are associated with the poor, and the artists will look at each other.

You may wonder in my choice of using the earthly ideals as the basis for my preaching today. But the ideal has a much higher truth if you look at it a bit more.

Christians must search for each other's company.

The story revolves around a young sheep living among a large herd of sheep owned by a great shepherd. To personalize the story a bit, I will give our little lamb a name. The name of the lamb is Greece.

Now, Greece has been taught by its youth that the sheep eat the grass, and it is very dangerous to go away from the herd.

One day he introduced a new sheep to the herd. This sheep had something strange about him ... At first, he had a funny name: he was called Fang. Greece thought this was a strange name for sheep, but his mother assured him that Fang was of a different kind of sheep, and perhaps used different kinds of names there.

Another thing that worried Greece was that Fang did not care much about the grass as other sheep did. In fact, one time, Fang Greece experienced trying to eat some grass but spat it directly in disgust. Soon after, Fang told Greece that the sheep did not need to eat much grass if any, saying it was only the old, fanatical sheep who thought the grass was healthy for you. The lambs seem to be better than the bigger sheep ...

Well, one day, Fang was talking to Greece and asked if he wanted to enter a small adventure. Greece was confused, and she wondered what adventure really was. Fang told him that he needed to go out and enjoy himself a bit more and explained that the adventure is when you go and explore places you have not visited before. Greece was a bit hesitant because he knew that leaving the herd was a very foolish thing to do. But in the end decided to go with Fang, thought of himself, what can happen wrong?

It was a strange feeling that Greece would leave the sheep barn where he grew up, but soon he was engaged in all the new things he was watching and testing. He enjoyed himself passionately, although he felt a bit worse about disobeying what his parents had learned.

In time Fang brought Greece to his herd, where he presented Greece to all his family and close friends. Fang's flock was very different from the herd of Greece, and they were not interested in the grass. Greece started secretly tired, but they were more interested in fun and enjoying life.

Greece enjoyed his time with Fang's flock and decided to spend more time with them. At the time he became one of them, fully engaged in pleasure and enjoying himself.
But one day Fang's flock did something very strange and began to take off all their wool as though they were deprived. To the astonishment of Greece under them all seemed like dogs. If Greece knew a little more about wildlife, he would have known immediately that they were wolves. Fang told Greece that it would help Greece do the same for him. I immediately criticized the wolves - I really do not want to tell you what a group of wolves will do to the sheep, will I?

Well I'm sure you understood the proverb. The sheep are the people of God. They eat the grass that reads the Word of God. Greece was warned not to leave the herd, and not to leave the ways of God. Greece is disobedience. We must always be wary of someone who claims to be a Christian, but they are beginning to doubt, the traditional ways in which we practice our faith.

Greece enjoys the ways of wolves (the world) and began to spend time with them. In the end the world consumed him and he died Christ, the great shepherd.

This brings us back to the beginning.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Spend some time with the world and you will become like the world.

You like this once. I grew up as a Christian, I learned to read the Bible. Then one day, I got a new job in computing. I started to make a lot of new friends, I was successful in my work, I had a great personality, so I was very loved.

The problems started from the start, and I was very scared to tell people that I was a Christian. I did not think to myself that I was too scared, just thinking with myself, that there was no reason for them to know that I was completely different from them. So I came out of telling the world about Jesus, my Savior.

Well, soon, as I had guessed, I began to live like my colleagues, I drank with them, I laughed at their dirty jokes, and found nothing different for them. Looks like SINNER.

You really can tell a true Christian among a crowd of non-believers. They go out like a sore thumb!

Here are some examples from the Bible:

Sulaiman. Solomon was the wisest king ever lived, but he did one of the most stupid things of all time. Solomon began to marry foreign women, and these women were very beautiful, but they were not Jews, so they never knew about God and grew up to feed his word. Young people must be wary, even the wisest man can make a mistake in his choice of wife. We need a lot of prayer regarding the husband's choice.

Moses. Moses spent all his time leading the people of Israel, which God commanded him to do. The Israelites had a very short temperament and seemed to be enraged by the slightest change in events. This thinks little about Moses, who when he ordered him to speak to the rock as he might bring water, disobeyed and angrily hit the rock. This was his sin. Again the last warning of the true man of God, who was misled by the people who was with him.

My mind does not seem to involve any other examples of the Bible, and the hour is getting late, and I'm starting to feel tired, so I'll leave the floor with you. Think about these things in your heart, and try to think of who and anyone spends your time with him.

God is with you all.


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