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Feed the Birds Day

Bird Day is fed every year on the last weekend in October. It is an event run by RSPB to highlight the importance of feeding wild birds.

The last weekend in October is also when the hours are returned to GMT after British Summer Time. After this day, the nights will start in the clouds and the cold will soon turn. Bird Feed Day was chosen to coincide with this weekend as feeding birds in the winter is very important.

Natural sources of food for birds such as insects and berries will be scarce, and if the land is frozen, it may be difficult for them to get a few.

Bird table is one of the easiest ways to feed birds in your garden and you can get them in many different ways from traditional to modern. You can put out a lot of different foods for birds. They will enjoy kitchen cuisine such as grated cheese, unsalted bacon, bread, salad and fruit. You can also get a special blend of bird food made from grain and seeds.

The bird feeder is a good alternative to the bird table, especially if you have a small garden or balcony only. Again, many different bird feeders are available for different types of birds. Hang a few will attract a number of species.

Water is important for birds in the winter where the normal water source may be frozen. You can either use a bird bath or a large dish or an inverted litter box lid. If your water freezes do not use antifreeze or any other soluble ice as it can kill birds.

Feed The Birds Day is also a good reminder to give the bird table, nutrients and bird baths a thorough cleaning after summer. Dirty bird accessories can contain parasites and bacteria that can be very harmful to birds and yourself. Make sure your table and nutrients do not contain any loose parts that birds can catch.

If you have not fed birds in your garden before, Feed the Birds Day is the perfect time to start. You will not only do your work to help local wildlife groups, but in a short time you will begin to enjoy watching and hearing wild birds in your garden.

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