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When Bird Allergy Flies Your Way

Bird allergies are a natural reaction to your body's immune system towards feathers, or more commonly known as feather dust, feces or feces from birds.

People working closely with birds and those who take care of birds as pets are most at risk of bird allergies. Farm workers, breeders and fanciers are the most common bird flu patients in hospitals in the United States alone.

However, according to medical statistics, the proportion of people who are allergic to birds worldwide is much lower than that of other animals such as dogs and cats.

Also be aware that the sensitivity of birds is an allergic reaction that refers to the efforts of the immune system to defend you from what he sees or threatens as a health hazard. In fact, the sensitivity of birds should not be considered a harmful or fatal disease. Note that the sensitivity of the birds kills, not the sensitivity of the birds themselves.

During bird allergies, feather dust becomes an allergen that is not required by the body's system. When you can make contact with your body, it will automatically activate the immune system or cause retaliation and produce antibodies or antibodies. Thus, you have symptoms.

Symptoms of bird allergies

People with allergies to birds show symptoms or symptoms that are sometimes similar to those of hay fever or allergic rhinitis. It is disturbing to know that most people with this sensitivity often ignore the appearance of symptoms, believing that these are just simple reactions to some elements of weather or dust.

Symptoms of bird allergies can be divided into two groups. One, those symptoms that are less or less severe. These include aquatic eyes, sneezes, postpartum drops, sore throat, stinking nose, coughing, hives, itchy eyes, glare sensitivity or having black circles in the area below the eyes.

For a more serious form of bird allergies, the symptoms may vary. Note that suffering from a severe bout of allergies to birds can reduce the ability of your lungs, which may pose damage not only to your health but also to your life.

These symptoms may appear long-term such as two years of regular or continuous exposure to allergens such as parrot and pigeons. In some cases, the sensitivity of birds appears 10 to 20 years after initial exposure to allergens.

Such conditions are determined by finding the following symptoms in the patient: prolonged coughing, difficulty breathing in occasions, fever and sometimes chills, weight loss and dry cough that lasts for some time.

How is the sensitivity of birds treated?

Usually, your doctor will have to look deeper into your medical records to determine or confirm that the disease is surrounded by bird allergies.

Note that most or all of the symptoms of bird flu are simple and therefore do not require additional and serious medical treatment. Just like other allergies, bird allergies can disappear on their own without the help of any medication or treatment.

Avoiding or stopping exposure to allergens, in which case birds and their feathers, will certainly help to stop the bird's allergic attack.

Doctors often prescribe antihistamines, corticosteroids and corticosteroids to rid a person of a bout of allergies against birds. Antihistamines prevent allergic symptoms, not only for birds, but also for all forms of allergies.

The depressants relieve swelling of the nose area and stop mucus secretion or things that pass through your nose when you have bad collons. Corticosteroids are drugs that treat infections due to medical and other medical reactions.

Allergy shots, of course, will help greatly reduce the appearance of bird allergies.


The most effective procedure to avoid bird allergies, if you are allergic to birds, is to avoid getting close to these animals. Cleanliness is the best defensive defense against any form of disease, and will also be effective in combating allergic attacks against birds.

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