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Handy Tips for Pet Sitting Birds

The dog is still the man's best friend, and cats are second only, but birds rise on the scale of their popularity as pets in the United States. Its popularity increased dramatically between 1980 and the early 1990s, and now the rise seems to have stabilized, preferring to give well-bred domestic birds over imported birds whose breeding may be in doubt. With so many domestic birds in the population, the need for protesters has increased. However, there are some things to pay attention to when taking care of birds.

Bird Biology

First, you need to realize that birds are quite different from dogs and cats in several ways. For one thing, they process information differently. Dogs are very odor-oriented. This is the first thing they do when they meet new people or other dogs. Much of their worldview comes through their noses. Birds, on the other hand, are very visual. They have excellent eyesight and can see it in color, which they should be aware of when looking after them all night long, or in situations that may require changing clothes. For a bird, a new shirt means a new person. They have a relatively sophisticated hearing and use many calls, songs and other noises to communicate with others in their group or identify their areas. They are also less sensitive to taste than humans or other animals, which explains how their diet can include things like dried chili which would bring other pets, or humans, to tears.

It is important to understand that birds in the wild realize that they are on the list of something else, and that their preventive instincts have not changed because they live in our homes now. Unlike sleeping cats and dark dogs, birds remain alert, and their reactions either fight any threat you perceive, or try to escape. Pet carriers need to keep this in mind when trying to trim bird nails, for example. They should also pay attention to placing objects above the bird's cage, as this can be considered a threat and may lead to unpleasant defensive behavior, such as screaming or biting. This also applies to rearranging household items, as birds may interact with new things in their field of view.

Play nice with others

If you plan to put other pets with birds, remember that cats and dogs are still the most common predators in birds, so interactions between species should be closely monitored at all times. It is possible that dogs, cats and birds agree well; however, this will take a lot of time and patience. In addition to being predator cats, cats also pose a serious health hazard to birds. The bacteria in your cat's saliva can kill birds within 24 hours, so any scratch or bite, no matter how important, requires immediate emergency treatment by a veterinarian.

Reptiles and rodents are also significant health risks to birds. Reptiles can carry Salmonella bacteria on their skin, so it is important to wash your hands after dealing with reptiles in your care to avoid transmission of bacteria to birds, as well as to other people. Rodent waste contains bacteria not normally found in the natural environment of birds, so birds have little or no resistance. If severe illness or death can result, it is best to keep birds and rodents apart.

You can't be too careful

Finally, it is important to recognize that bird physiology is entirely different from that found in most pets we know. For one reason, there are fewer vaccines available to treat a number of major diseases that birds are prone to grow, and some diseases are transmitted more easily than others. If you are responsible for multiple birds, it may be good to buy a number of regular white shirts and use a separate shirt with each bird to avoid accidental contamination. When you take care of a bird in your home, try to separate it from your other pets, or any birds you may have.

In order to be light enough to get air, the bones of the birds are hollow and have a network of air bags throughout his body. As a result, birds are highly sensitive to smoke and other vapors in the air, so consider using your perfume, cigarette, or other strong odors. Before taking care of birds, you should know how to hold the birds well and restrain them to avoid being infected or harmed. Carrying a bird firmly around the middle of his body can cause his death due to suffocation, so if you should restrain him, it is advisable to wrap a towel with a towel around the body first.

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